Q: What is a prop?
A: A proposition player (or prop that we will call them from here) is a player hired from the poker site to help starting new tables and create a good atmosphere for the players. The prop play with his own money but get a much better rakeback deal then others. You have no other benefits from the site, and you are forced to follow a few simple rules but in return you play with almost no rake or even get paid to play poker.
Q: Can anyone become a prop?
A: Anyone can become a prop, but we would not recommend anyone to become one. Playing as a prop is not a good alternative if you do not like to play Heads up poker or play on tables with very few players. If you after a bad beat always have problems controlling yourself and like to humiliate your opponent in the chat, maybe you should consider any of our ordinary rakeback deals instead.
Q: How do I get paid?
A: Depending on what site you sign up for you get paid to your poker account a % of the rake you pay (or in some cases more then you pay). Different sites pay at different times, some pays daily, others weekly and some monthly. How much you get paid depends on what limits and how much you play.
Q: Why does the poker room pay so much to props?
A: "It takes players to get more players". That would summarize why poker room pay props. When they start up they often have a great software, good promotions and no players. If a new player comes in and see that there are no one to play against they will leave. Props are there to start action and maintain a good atmosphere (by starting new games and saving dying ones). For this service the poker room pay a competitive price. That too means that the traffic on prop sites in general are lower then on “ordinary” sites, but not always (as many sites have been, or are using props even when they have grown big).
Q: What is the fee to become a prop?
A: There is no fee, you are actually the one getting paid. However, you play with your own money just like all other players.
Q: How do I know what poker rooms I can play on as you only write them down by numbers?
A: When you accept the prop agreement we let you see the names of the sites. The reason for the sites not to go public with their names is due to the fact that they do not want everyone to know they have props on their site. This means that you can never ever say you are a prop, or what site you are propping at.
Q: Can't you tell me what poker room it is before I apply to become a prop?
A: No! We REALLY cannot give out site names before you have applied to become a prop and accepted the terms and conditions!The reasons are simple.
Most people do not know what a prop is. They think they have special benefits and are there to make "ordinary" players lose or rake a maximum. A prop IS an ordinary player, just with a better rakeback deal and some rules to follow.
At the same time people think props are better player and therefore want to avoid playing on sites that uses props.This is in most cases not true, many of the props are actually losing players that start to win only because of the great pay.
Last but certainly not least they are afraid of losing players that would have started to play without a prop deal.This means they have to pay a lot of money for something they could have got free.
Q: When I prop, can you guarantee there are traffic all the time or can it be so that I have to sit out and wait?
A: No, we can never guarantee the traffic of the sites. A prop is hired to boost traffic and there are times when you have to sit out and wait for a game to start. Remember it is the props rules to actually DO sit out and wait. If you prefer to go to another site instead of waiting for a table to start maybe you should consider a rakeback deal. A good solution is to sit out at the prop site and play at one of our rakeback deals at the same time, to always have somewhere to play and get good pay.
Q: Can I prop-play in every poker-room, or only on those you have contract with?
A: You can only play as prop on the sites we have a contract with and those listed on the site.
Q: How do we know what promotions props are currently eligible for?
A: We will always try to keep you updated with information. Look at the information site for the individual deal for more information.
Q: What kind of rules do I have to follow?
A: There are individual rules for all sites. In general they all demand that you do not sit on full tables without starting a new table, and ask you to be nice in the chat.
Q: What if I see a prop breaking the rules?
A: Tell the shiftmanager or send a mail to prop support about it. Never ever say anything about it in chat.
Q: What is a Shiftmanager?
A: A shiftmanager is a person that is watching the game and makes sure that the props are following the rules.The Shiftmanager (SM) is online on Skype (pokerprops) all the time, but you can never know if he is actively managing. This means that the props have to follow the rules all the time. The efficient management time is approximately 10 hours a day during different hours.
Q: Does the Shift Manager (SM) tell me where to play and when to break up a table?
A: Yes that is part of the managers job, but he will not do so when it is not needed. If the SM feels that certain limits need help or that a prop is better needed on another table it is the props responsibility to follow this as long as the prop are comfortable with those limits.
Q: Do I have to play above my bankroll or games I am not comfortable with?
A: No. You decide what limits you can afford and what games you want to play. If the site have special preferences about what limits they are currently accepting props at you find that information in the rules. Be careful and do not sign up for a site that only accept props at limits you do not play as you will not get paid correctly then.