partypoker: Summer of Grind closed

Dates of Promotion: July 1 - August 31, 2014

Missions and Prizes:
- fastGrind Mission: up to $1,500 in fastforward tables
- Sit & Grind Mission: up to $1,000 on top of their earnings

Objective: Opt-IN to your Mission and start playing.

Max prize you can win: $2,500


fastGrind Mission:

Mission ObjectiveHands Played (Total)Instant RewardCumulative Reward
Fast Work 30,000 fastforward hands $150 Cash $150 Cash
Fast Cash 60,000 fastforward hands $150 Cash $300 Cash
Fast and Loose 100,000 fastforward hands $300 Cash $600 Cash
Fast and Furious 250,000 fastforward hands $900 Cash $1,500 Cash

Sit & Grind Mission:

Mission ObjectiveHands Played (Total)Instant RewardCumulative Reward
Easy Money 300 S&G tournaments $100 Cash $100 Cash
The Daily Grind 600 S&G tournaments $100 Cash $200 Cash
Working 9 to 5 1,000 S&G tournaments $150 Cash $350 Cash
Overtime 2,500 S&G tournaments $650 Cash $1,000 Cash

Terms & Conditions:
1. You will have to meet the individual objectives of the Missions to get the partial rewards as per below.

fastGrind Mission:
- Play 30,000 hands of poker on fastforward tables. Reward: $150
- Play a total of 60,000 hands of poker on fastforward tables. Reward: an additional $150 for a total of $300 in rewards.
- Play a total of 100,000 hands of poker on fastforward tables. Reward: an additional $300 for a total of $600 in rewards.
- Play a total of 250,000 hands of poker on fastforward tables. Reward: an additional $900 for a total of $1,500 in rewards.
All hands have to be played on fastforward tables on stakes $0,05/0,10 and above. Heads-up fastforward tables are excluded.

Sit & Grind Mission:
- Play 300 Sit & Go tournaments. Reward: $100.
- Play a total of 600 Sit & Go tournaments. Reward: an additional $100 for a total of $200 in rewards.
- Play a total of 1000 Sit & Go tournaments. Reward: an additional $150 for a total of $350 in rewards.
- Play a total of 2500 Sit & Go tournaments. Reward: an additional $650 for a total of $1,000 in rewards.
All objectives need to be played and completed on S&G tables with buy-ins of $10 or above. Heads-up tournaments are excluded.

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