NETWORK: Introducing Radical Changes
Despite being the 3rd biggest online poker network by traffic volume, iPoker haven’t really been looking to re-join the freshly legalized US markets, like some of their competitors. It now looks like they’re further distancing themselves from the US, by announcing a gradual move away from the USD currency towards EUR and GBP. The move caused some concern among players, but it’s not the only one iPoker are looking to implement: in order to protect their recreational players, they’re also looking to phase out certain stakes and game variants even.
The above said moves are all part of a gradual modernization process at the site, which started years ago with the implementation of new features like KO tournaments and Shootouts.
The existing tables will be restructured as well: the seven different table types which currently exist will be reduced to 4: anonymous, ante, normal and shallow tables. The countdown timer will be set to 18 seconds. Some of these moves have some of the iPoker players understandably worried, but thus far iPoker have always managed to stay on top of the game through similarly radical and often painful changes.